
Friday, June 15, 2012

Spanish Blessing from 800AD

May the Almighty Lord bless you by the words of our mouth,
And may He join your hearts by a perpetual bond of sincere love.
May you blossom from the abundance of things at hand.
May you be fruitful with children.
May you rejoice forever with friends.
May the Lord grant you enduring gifts, times spent happily with parents,
And above all, eternal joy.
Through Him who possesses the name One and Three and is glorified,
God forever and ever. Amen.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Take Thee

I ______ take thee _______,
To be my partner in marriage and in life.
To love you and honor you
To give thanks for you and
To serve you
With my wit
My strength
My heart.
To stand by you always
Even if sickness should threaten
And despite the turmoil around us
To create with you a living example
Of the beauty of a relationship
Between a man and a woman.

_____, my beloved,
I choose now to take this journey with you
Wherever it leads
Whatever the outcome
No matter what may befall us
As God is my witness
Through all the days of our lives.