
Monday, December 31, 2012

Blended Family Wedding Ideas

A wedding ceremony with her kids, his kids, and you two is a beautiful statement of unity for a blended family.  Here are some easy ideas to make it special:

  1. Flower Ritual:  Two vases of different kinds of flowers representing each parent. One empty vase in the center.  During the ceremony each of the family members takes a flower from their parent's vase and places it into the center vase.  The new bouquet represents the new blended family.
  2. Sand Ritual: Using the sand ceremony tradition, each family member has a different color sand.  All of the family members pour sand into the vessel creating a mosaic of colored sand representing the new family.
  3. Fountain of Love:  Each family member chooses a smooth rounded rock.  Upon this rock, they write their name and perhaps a meaningful word.  During the ceremony, the rocks are placed in a special bowl to represent each members unique difference and yet unity as a family.
  4.  Family Prayer:  At the end of the ceremony, when it is time for a blessing, all family members place their hands one upon another for a family blessing.
  5. Vow to the family:  Each parent, after their vows to each other, gives a vow of commitment to the children of the now blended family.
  6. Gratitude for support:  When children are grown yet supportive of your new marriage, you may wish to give a word of thanksgiving and blessing to your grown children during the ceremony.
  7. Conflicting feeling:  When the children of the couple are conflicted about their parents getting married, ask each child if they wish to be involved and honor their feelings.  
  8. Call me by name:  It is important to each of us to be recognized by our name, especially younger children or teenagers (though they may not acknowledge it).  Ask the wedding officiant to include a prayer similar to this, "Lord God, as this new family goes forth together, touch the lives of ______, _______, _______, and _______ (children's names), that each one may blossom in this family into the unique and special person you have created them to be."

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tips 40-50 For a Good Marriage

40.  Talk about you love.
41.  Reminisce about your favorite times together.
42.  Treat each other's friends and relatives with courtesy.
43.  Send flowers every Valentine's Day and anniversary.
44.  Admit when wrong.
45.  Be sensitive to each other's sexual desires.
46.  Pray for each other daily.
47.  Watch sunsets together.
48.  Say "I love you" frequently.
49.  End the day with a hug.
50.  Seek outside help when needed.

       Here we are, Gene and Anne Del Vecchio, 34 years married and keeping our love growing with a summer picnic by the lake.